'Custom Availability' is individual items you need to add to your calendar. These are typically very specific days/times/other restrictions that you wish to provide (eg: working, injury, studying, holidays, proximity restrictions).
Any entries can be 'stacked' and multiple restrictions can be added to tune availability across organisations.
Adding a Custom Availability record
- Head to Availability>Custom Availability. This will display any previously input custom availability records, including those input automatically by the system or your admin
- Click '+Add new'
- Select whether this item is going to make you Available, Unavailable or Tentative
- Select any or all of the fields you want to use in your availability. There is no requirement to use each field, and leaving it blank will, by default, apply it 'to all'. Note: some fields are dependent on previous input so may appear blank
- Competition
- Division
- Positions (multi-select). This is helpful if need to be on limited duties (eg: returning from injury)
- Venues
- It is not a requirement to have time/date restrictions, and leaving it blank will apply the restriction as 'always on'. However time/date are easily entered by using one of two methods:
- Toggling 'By weekday?' allows you to set the restriction based on a day of the week. This can then have times added.
- Leaving off 'By weekday?' allows you to set the restriction based on a dates or date ranges. This can then have times added
- Toggling 'All Day' will mark the entire 24 hour period
- Select a 'Reason' to advise your assignor and/or remind yourself of this restriction (for Unavailability and Tentative)
- Click 'Save'
For example, the below setting would represent:
Unavailable for the entire 'Championship' (including all divisions, positions, venues) competition for the 'Test Organisation' on the 19/20 November between 08:00am and 06:00pm, due to work reasons
Editing/deleting Custom availability
To edit an existing custom item, click the 'Edit' or 'Delete' icon