refbook Custom Availability Wizard

Custom Availability Wizard

The Availability Wizard is a platform-guided method of inputting custom availability which is triggered from the Calendar page.
  1. Head to Availability>Calendar
  2. Single click on the relevant days (no need to hold any other key)

  3. Click the 'Availability' wizard 
  4. Select Status and 'Next'. This is the Status you are changing your availability to

  5. Select the Organisation to apply to, and 'Next'

  6. Select the Competition(s) or leave blank, and 'Next'
  7. (If available), select the Division, Position(s), Venue(s) or leave blank to apply to all
  8. Input Time, and 'Next'

  9. Select Reason

  10. Click 'Complete', this will Preview the wizard's build and can be edited by clicking 'Back'

  11. Click 'Create'. There is now a Custom Availability record created which can be found under Availability>Custom Availability

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